Guardsman USB Scanner
Web Application
1st Place - Hack Washu Hackathon, Security and Privacy Track, 2022
Skills Used: Python & Bash Scripting, NodeJS, Virtualbox
This project is centered on automation and security. Through Python and Bash scripts, Guardsman will automatically mount USB drives and complete a malware scan
after being inserted into a Raspberry Pi. The results of the scan are then sent to the Guardsman website and directly to your phone through SMS. This allows for
companies to efficiently secure any suspicious USBs with minimal hardware cost. This was developed in a team of 4 during the Hack WashU hackathon. I supported management,
scripting, and backend integration.
Docker Chat
CLI Game
Skills Used: Java, TCP/IP Sockets, Multithreading, Docker
A communication-based game using TCP/IP sockets and client-server architecture through Docker! By running on multiple threads, it allows different clients to simultaneously join a server. A self-assigned host asks true/false questions and assigns points to users with correct answers. Users can request their scores to keep track of their performance.
School Database
Database Application
Skills Used: C++, Data Structures, Inheritance and Templates, Extreme Programming
This database simulation uses binary search trees to store information about your school! Need to keep track of students and faculty and their respective information in a simple manner? This is the app for you. Developed using extreme programming methodology, my partner and I gained an understanding of how data is stored and manipulated with data structures through this C++ based project.
Operating System CPU Scheduling Simulator
OS Simulator
Skills Used: C, Linked Lists, Scheduling Algorithms, Concurrency
This program delves into the topic of operating system's scheduling process to maintain concurrency. Using C, the algorithms first come first serve, priority, round robin, and shortest job first were implemented. A list of tasks are read in from example text files and loaded into linked lists, which are scheduled appropriately.